POLARBIND PB 16 is a natural-protein based auxiliary which is glossy, non-thermoplastic with average hardness. It has a smooth, silky feel.
POLARBIND PB 16 is a basic binder for protein and polishable glosses. It forms fixable films with formalin which has excellent dry rubfastness properties and hot-iron fastness.
When added to resin-based compounds, POLARBIND PB 16 enhances fullness and the film’s adhesion to the leather. It also eliminates any residual stickiness thus enhancing the leather’s reaction to piling and ironing.
POLARBIND PB 16 can also be used as additive for leather board for hardening the film to obtain a clear-cut. Recommended amount to be used is from 5 to 10 parts of POLARBIND PB 16 on 100 parts of 60% dry latex.
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