POLIGROUND C18 is a compound based on polyurethane and acrylic resins, having excellent adhesion properties and developed to use it in all situations where finishing adhesion is very difficult.

POLIGROUND C18 forms a gloss, soft, transparent film which doesn’t overload the finishing, leaving the leather with a very natural aspect.

Thanks to its characteristics, POLIGROUND C18 is usually used to finish leather already treated with oily and waxy pre-bottoms obtaining pull-up and waxy articles without the need to apply an intermediate adhesion promoter, to ensure the re-adhesion on alreadyfinished leather which needs to be re-worked, and, as auxiliary agent, added to the usual finishing mixtures to increase the adhesion.

Thanks to its self-crosslinkings properties, the physical performances of POLIGROUND C18 increase during time, for some days, after application. We recommend however to check the adhesion of the applied mixtures from time to time.